Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Johannes Linstead - Mediterranea (Mp3 Download)

Review by Chris Nickson @
There's no denying the fact that Johannes Linstead is a superb guitarist with excellent dexterity. And on the basis of "Motika," he's also an accomplished pianist, with a feel for Cuban rhythm. Add to that the taste to surround himself with players of a similar caliber, especially violinist Vasyl Popadiouk, who shines on the opener, "Andalucia," and the technical quality of Linstead's fifth CD is assured. There's certainly a warm, lush feel to the disc, with guitar front and center, exactly as it should be. The downside -- if, indeed, it is a drawback -- is the album's lightness. It glistens on the surface with a Mediterranean sheen, but there's little depth under that. And that's what ultimately makes it a less than satisfying listening experience. As the background to dinner or conversation, it's fine. But to listen in greater depth, though pleasant the first time, offers little beyond that; not a record that stands up to repeated listenings.

Track Lists
01. Andalucia
02. Evening Embrace
03. Sangre Del Toro
04. Ambrosia
05. Adelita
06. Tabu
07. Hour Of The Lamps
08. Motika
09. Estrellas Sobre Ella
10. Journey To Alcazaba

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